Stress? I Don't have stress, stress is for old people. 
    "You think you're stressed!? Try going to school coming home cook, and clean for this family!" Momas and dads always exclame. 
    Well that's phony, I'm 16 years old and I'm stressed out everyday of my life, oh and if something isn't perfectly on time, all hell breaks loose! Now must of the timeI can deal with it and breathe through it. but those special times where you have to scream and cry and tell everyone in the world to leave you alone for their sake. Well here's a perfect example. 
     In January, i left everything i knew, everyone i loved, and my comfort zone to come to a new high school. My brother was in college and he was screwing up, and I was 15 and thought I ruled the world. I was a sophmore and I was proud! Now my old school was not the best school, there were over 4000 kids there and there was so mch drama! So my mother moved me 20 miles away. Doesnt seem that far, well when you cant drive it seems like it takes years. I registered for school and was mad as ever, I mean mugged everyone, I was in ROTC and I didn't know the Creed, and all my classes were so much farther behind than my old school, which you would think would be good, but no it wasnt, they taught so much different and I had no clue what they were talking about! And oh buddy I felt like crying every moment of every second. At Lunch I went to the bathroom and poured my eyes out, called my best friend at school, and she listened to me. After school walking to my mom's car, I broke down, I cryed all the way home and all night. I hated it. 
    Now that I'm here I found my place in this school, I don't feel like a no body and I belonged, well as much as you can belong in a judgemental high school setting, I wouldn't go back to Norcross, I miss my friends, and I miss the school, and being challanged, but I don't misst he chaos! 
    Breathe, sleep, eat, and take things slow. Everything works out in the end how it's supose to. So if you don't think my experience was as stressful as I truly belive it was, I'd like to see if you can top it.
9/11/2012 05:02:10 am

I feel you. I know what you mean by going through stress. I am going thorugh alot of stress, and makes me feel like I am loosing TONS and TONS of hair and I feel as though I am getting old.

9/21/2012 02:23:02 am

awwwwwwww :'(


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    Music and Art are my life. Clean and simple, if i didn't have them I don't know where I would be. Receving the NROTC scholarship and attending GSU or VSU then joining the United States  Navy. After the five years of service I'll decide to stay or go, and become a doctor. I have very strong passions for controversial topics. I love debate and I love to learn new opinions. Falling in and out of love, and watching things through out my life has made me more aware, and passionate about others and whats going on in their lives, it also allows me to open my mind and let things out. At the young age of 16 I have started to write a book Confessions of A White Lesbian. As I'm only so old, it will take a great amount of time to complete.


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